Saturday, 28 April 2012

Tribute to my Principal

13 years ago our parts crossed

Not on a date or a fly fishing trip

Along Offa road was where my desk was shipped

6 years I was sentenced to learn

There you stood ready and willing to have my butt whipped

‘Boda Bode is coming’ the code that makes me fly

To you sir I owe my punctuality

The reason I hate to be late for fights and flights

The pain of the four pronged horse whip still keeps me awake

In me you installed the program of responsibility

You will say the fish rots from the head

For you it’s a must that we make the best from life

In your office I was called to serve

My very first ‘job interview’ in life

With a smile you probed with a graze seeing potentials

It’s a little but I owe that much to you

I was a scout, a monitor and a prefect

Like you always say, I let SASS pass through me

Now that you have ‘fully retired’

the sting of the news of your departure across the seas,

Now that we sing the hymns and wipe our tears

with a heavy heart but grateful mien

I look at the past and it all makes a lot of sense

For every day you stood tall on JSS 3 Block

For every time a list is called for Mr. Babarinde to fix

Our future was on your mind from dusk to dawn

Oh! How I wish I could give a gun salute

Adieu dear principal, till we all meet at his feet.

                                                  Dedicated to Pa. O. Oyeyiola.

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